What are some of the components of Jewish life at Lehigh?

There are several student-run Jewish groups at Lehigh: Hillel, AEPi fraternity, Chabad at Lehigh, Challah for Hunger, and TAMID. In addition, a wide variety of academic classes and Jewish programs are coordinated through the Berman Center for Jewish Students. 

How many Jewish students are at Lehigh?

There are between 800-900 Jewish undergraduate students at Lehigh. They make up between 18 percent of the undergraduate student body.

Where is the Jewish Student Center located?

The Jewish Student Center is located at 233 West Packer Avenue. The JSC has snacks, study spaces and a flat screen TV and is accessible between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. to any Lehigh undergraduate by swiping their ID card. Graduate students may also request regular access by emailing Steve Nathan at spn217@lehigh.edu.

Is there a kosher food option available? Is the Jewish Student Center kosher?

The South Mountain Grill & Deli opened on the 1st floor of the Clayton University Center in January 2025. All food is prepared with certified kosher ingredients and according to kosher rules.  Food is either meat or pareve (not meat or dairy).  The Jewish Student Center kitchen is kosher and available to students for making their own kosher meals, with prepared dinners every Friday night. Just contact Rabbi Steve Nathan at spn217@lehigh.edu if you would like to make arrangements for cooking kosher meals.

Does the Jewish Student Center host Shabbat services and dinner?

The Jewish Student Center hosts Shabbat services and dinner on a weekly basis every Friday night.  Services and dinner can draw up to 50 students.  For students seeking options for services Saturday morning, arrangements can be made to attend local synagogues.

What options are available for major Jewish holidays?

During the High Holidays, Lehigh Hillel sponsors a pre-Rosh Hashanah dinner and a post-Yom Kippur break fast, as well as religious services for two days of Rosh Hashanah and for Yom Kippur.  In addition to hosting social events for Purim and Chanukah, Hillel also sponsors seders for the first two nights of Passover and ensures that students have kosher for Passover food for the length of the holiday.  For other holidays, we are happy to connect students with the local Jewish community to enable them to attend services in the Lehigh Valley.

What are some of the programs that the Hillel Society offers?

The Hillel Society provides students with a number of Jewish social, religious and cultural activities, as well as opportunities for learning. Social programs particularly with other Lehigh Valley colleges are very important for a Jewish student's Lehigh experience.  Holiday festivities and celebrations occur regularly at the Jewish Student Center.  Hillel Society members are encouraged to suggest and plan programs that fit their specific interests. For more information go to https://go.lehigh.edu/jewishlife.

Is there a Jewish studies program on campus?

Lehigh offers students a wide variety of Jewish studies courses through the Berman Center for Jewish Studies. A Jewish studies minor is offered for interested students. To learn more about the Berman Center and its programs check out their website at www.lehigh.edu/~inber/inber.html.

How many members does Lehigh Hillel have?

We do not have a membership program and everyone at Lehigh is welcome to participate in any of the programs we offer. 


Are there hours for visitors and prospective students?

The Jewish Student Center has regular hours from 9:00 - 5:00 on weekdays (office is closed for lunch from 12-1 and is staffed by our office coordinator, Jane Hontz. The building is closed on Jewish holidays and University holidays. If you would like to pay us a visit, it is best to contact Jane at (610) 758-4896 or jewishlife@lehigh.edu to schedule one. That way you can be sure that someone will be here to show you around.

What can I do if I'm going to be absent from class or an activity for a religious holiday?

If you're planning on missing class for religious reasons, Lehigh's religious accommodation policy entitles you a religious accommodation, which requires students to negotiate with the instructor any make-up work.  The best thing to do is to let your professors know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in the semester when you'll be out of class.  If the professor or graduate assistant does not accommodate a request, please contact Rabbi Nathan.

Here's a sample message you can cut and paste into an email:

Dear Professor____,

I am a student in your____ class, which meets on ___ at___ a.m./p.m.  For religious reasons, I will be absent from class on _______.  Please let me know what I should do to make up any work I will miss or if you have any questions.  

Thank you,

What are some of the other programs that Lehigh Hillel offers?

The best programs are the ones that students develop and lead themselves throughout the year.  Some examples of what we have done in the past are laser tag with our rival Lafayette Hillel, road trips to the Philadelphia Jewish Relief Agency to help pack food boxes for hungry families, Multi-faith Shabbat dinner discussion with the Muslim, Christian, Hindu and other religious groups on campus, trips to Jewish New York City and Philadelphia, events co-sponsored with other student groups, and conversations on contemporary topics of interest. 

Who are the professional Jewish staff members on campus?

Rabbi Steve Nathan serves as Director of Jewish Student Life and Associate University Chaplain. He can be reached at spn217@lehigh.edu or (610) 758-4875.

Tyler Katz is the Engagement and Program Associate for the Office of Jewish Student Life and Lehigh Hillel.  They can be reached at trk321@lehigh.edu or (610) 758-4893.

Jane Hontz is the full-time Office Coordinator for the Office of Jewish Student Life. She can be reached at jah714@lehigh.edu or (610) 758-4896.

The office is open on weekdays from 9-5, but is usually closed for lunch from 12-1. The office is closed on Jewish and University holidays.

What can I do if I have a question about Jewish Student Life?

Please contact the Jewish Student Center at jewishlife@lehigh.edu or (610) 758-4896. Rabbi Steve Nathan can be reached at spn217@lehigh.edu or (610) 758-4875.  Tyler Katz can be reached at trk321@lehigh.edu or (610) 758-4893.

Who/what funds Hillel/Jewish Life? How can I make a contribution?

Hillel and Jewish Life on campus are funded solely by personal donations, grants and endowments. No money for programming is provided by the University.  Any contribution you would like to make would be greatly appreciated.  You may go online to mylehigh.lehigh.edu/hillelcampaign or send a check made out to "Lehigh Hillel" to Lehigh Jewish Student Center, 233 W. Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18015.  Thanks in advance for your help and support!

Lehigh Valley Synagogues

If you would like information about local synagogues please click the following link to learn more: https://shalomlehighvalley.org/ or the Jewish Federation of the LV: https://jewishlehighvalley.org/